This is not the annotated bibliography
One thing that I needed to do for my revised inquiry proposal was to develop a list of sources. In class we discussed something about putting our sources on our blog. I'd don't know if we were supposed to do that now or not but in case we were here are some of the sources I'm considering using.
1) The Postmodern Writing Center: Some Lessons from Lyotard
according to the abstract this article discuss the potential of the writing center to break way from the rigid restraints of traditional academic writing. also has some ideas what the staff of the writing center might do.
2) Intersections: Theory-Practice in the Writing Center.
This is actually a collection of essays in a book. some seem like they might be more helpful than others. This book is available online through ERIC but the writing seems hard to read. I'd like to try and find this book in print.
3) Migrant Rationalities: Graduate Students and the Idea of Authority in the Writing Center
This article may be personally interesting but I'm not 100% sure I can use it for the paper. It does discuss why some graduate students feel stiffled by the conventions of traditional discourse in their academic disciplines.
4) Crossing Over: Individuality and Social Constructivism in the Writing Center
This article looks at writing in a writing center based on some of the ideas we discussed in class before- is writing an inner directed or outer directed activity.
5) Walking the Tightrope: Negotiating between the Ideal and the Practical in the Writing Center, Part 2: The Real.
This article seems like it might be an offshoot of the Mike Rose article I read. While he seemed to be challenging English departments and the faculty, questions how they fit into the university, this article looks like it more explicitly explores the relationships between writing
centers and the university
6) Networked Computers + Writing Centers = ? Thinking about Networked Computers in Writing Center Practice.
This article gets me thinking in a slightly different direction. After reading this article there are some new questions I could ask during interviews with staff at the writing center.
maybe) Reforming College Composition: Writing the Wrongs. Contributions to the Study of Education.
I don't know if I will really be able to use this source. It is a book with a collection of articles. The abstract touches on some interesting issues- what students can and can't do in the class room is one topic which caught my attention- BUT I don't know if it will be practical for me to search through 19 articles to find the information I need. I'm keeping the citation in this list because if I find a topic that needs more information I can check the index of this book and see if any article is helpful.
7) Writing Center Internships: The Case for Collaboration and Integration?
Seems to be a fairly concise summary of what can be done to prepare tutors in a writing center.
8) My Place or Yours: Theorizing Eclectic Writing Centers.
Part of this abstract suggested that theories for writing centers don't work that practices only do. It suggested these were difficult to discuss. That made me a little nervous. This should provide a fairly modern but different way to look at my topic.
9) Making Thinking Visible: Writing in the Center
Unfortunately this article focuses on a high school writing center. I might compare what is described here to what happens in a college writing center.
10) Formative Assessment and the Paradigms of Writing Center Practice
This particular article seems like a good place to get some background on the evolution of writing centers. It's certainly a much better way to go about it than looking back at the early articles from the 1970s would be.
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