Wednesday, November 21, 2007

possible introduction to paper

Typing in Microsoft Word just wasn't helping me to generate activities today. This is a possible introduction to my topic but by no means exactly what I will use.

For students who are struggling entering the academic discourse community writing centers are a place that students can go to work with tutors in a one on one situation. This type of interaction usually isn't available in the classroom. As in the classroom there are multiple perspectives on the best strategies to work with students. Some administrators believe that writing centers should focus on the process that students use while others believe that focusing on the social construction the writer is working with is most effective. Both of these approaches have aspects of them that seem worthy of exploring. I believe that a combination of both of these methods would be most helpful. My goal will be to highlight the benefits that each approach has. Ultimately I believe that writing centers should try to incoporate both of these approaches. Anne Mullin's article "Crossing Over Individuality and Social Constructivism" provided one model for this


Get a few more paragraphs this weekend.

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